Thursday, November 29, 2012

Conservatives Need To Change Tactics In Maryland

A lot can be said about the dismal political climate in Maryland.  Conservatives can help Maryland move forward, but we need to do a better job than we are now.

This is simply a first, and sample, post, hoping to see that conservatives really are interested in doing more then complaining.

There will be plenty of time in future posts to make plans and devise strategies, but for now, and I'm as cynical as the next guy, hit a like or a follow or any indication that you are willing to listen to actual and doable ways in which we can become more engaged with very little effort.


Remember, if grass roots is what you really want, you are not going to find it on one of the networks, or in a slick and well financed movement.  We all have the tendency to complain about the leadership, but be taken in by the very things we complain about.
